Children who cannot communicate effectively, miss out on opportunities to play, learn and socialise.

At Elsje Stuiver – Occupational Therapy we acknowledge that communication is power!

Our therapists are experienced in the use and implementation of AAC strategies, tools and devices and we work closely with AAC experts to find the support that will best suit each individual child.

Our AAC services may include

  • Training and use of Makaton Makaton is a system of communication that uses signs, symbols, and gestures to help people who struggle with speaking or understanding spoken language. It uses hand movements, facial expressions and pictures to convey meaning and to improve understanding.
  • Graphic Symbol use Symbols can be pictures, drawings or icons that represent specific words or concepts. For parents, the use of graphic symbols can be incredibly beneficial to engage in meaningful interactions with their child. It provides an alternative way for both parents and children to express their needs and thoughts, thereby reducing frustration, enhancing comprehension and promoting independence in communication.
  • Advice on Speech Generating Devices Speech generating devices (SGDs) are electronic devices that produce spoken output. Using an SGD, a child can select symbols by touch or by alternative methods such as eye gaze or switches, to generate synthesized speech. SGDs can be customised to meet each child's specific needs, store common phrases and to offer personalised messages. They empower their users to connect with others by participating in meaningful conversation and social interaction.
  • Implementing Visual Schedules
  • Designing Social Stories
  • If your child has difficulty making their thoughts, needs and feelings known, they may benefit from additional support from an Occupational Therapist with a specific interest in AAC.

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