Link to : Autism South Africa , Warning, screen readers, this is an external link

Link to : CDC(USA) - ASD Homepage, Warning, screen readers, this is an external link

As experienced therapists we understand the importance of early Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) intervention and the impact that ASD can have on the entire family.

As no two children on the spectrum are the same, we take great care to develop aims and targets that are specific to each individual child and each family’s needs.

Our therapeutic interventions are focussed on family involvement and education, to generalise skills to the home environment and to ensure the sustainability of our recommended programs.

Our Therapists are experienced in working with other health care practitioners and can provide a multi-disciplinary approach with other practitioners that might be providing additional services to our ASD clients.

Our therapists are trained and experienced to address the following aspects that are typically associated with ASD:

  • Language and communication: Although this area also requires specialised support from speech and language therapists, our therapists' knowledge in Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) will support your child’s ability to communicate.
  • Social interaction: Sensory Integration, DIR, Skills development and other behavioural techniques are used to promote awareness of the child to themselves and to others, appropriate social responses, behaviours in public spaces and tolerance to change.
  • Imagination and Creative play: Sensory Integration and DIR & Floortime techniques are used to assist the child in feeling calm and alert, sharing attention, engaging and relating to others, interacting, shared problem so and creative or abstract thinking.
  • Sensory Integration difficulties: Sensory Integration techniques are used to address the child’s behaviour, emotional responses, focus and attention. This may include the implementation of a Sensory Diet and/or an Alert Program or alternatively addressing the child’s motor planning and sensory processing skills.

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