The health care profession is based on mutual trust between health care practitioners and their clients.

We care about the security and protection of our client’s information and have historically followed the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) “Guidelines on the keeping of patient records”.

In addition, we support and strive to comply with The Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) a South African privacy law that came into effect on 1 July 2021.

How do we comply with information and privacy laws?

We conduct periodic reviews of our business processes that deal with the personal and medical data of our clients, including how we collect, process and store this data.

Our Terms and Conditions include a reference to our Privacy Policy (clause 9) and we periodically review and update our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Our staff and administrative service providers have been made aware of and are able to effectively implement our Privacy Policy.

Our Privacy Policy

  • We request and store only the client information that is necessary for client treatment, medical record-keeping and the effective administration of client accounts. As our practice focuses on paediatric therapy, patient information is mostly provided by our patients’ parents or legal guardians.
  • To assist with the submission of our invoices to a Medical Aid, our invoices can reflect information typically required by a Medical Aid including client names, contact details, Medical Aid membership numbers, ICD 10 codes, etc. However, the inclusion of such information is optional and our clients can elect not to provide this information to us or not to have this information reflected on their invoices.
  • Our systems are set up so that clients can provide information in electronic format if they prefer. Such information is stored on IT systems and computers that are password protected and where the IT providers are compliant with POPIA and/or the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • If clients provide information in paper format or if client records are generated in paper format, these will often be scanned into electronic format for storage on the abovementioned IT systems. The original paper-based format will however be retained and filed off-site in a secure facility.
  • As we are a practice that specialises in paediatric treatment we are, according to the HPCSA guidelines, required to keep our patient medical records at least until the patient’s 21st birthday.
  • In the event of a client completing their therapy with us or becoming dormant, we will remove their non-medical data from our invoicing system after two years. The reason for the two-year timeframe is that clients often request invoicing information that is more than a year old, for instance information relating to the previous tax year.
  • Our clients can request to have their non-medical information amended or removed from our IT systems by contacting us on (064) 899 4748 or by sending an email to
  • Our website at includes a “Contact Us” facility where visitors can voluntarily provide their contact details so that we can respond to them. Other than the “Contact Us” facility we do not use browser “cookies” or similar technology to track, identify or to gather any information about the visitors to our website.

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