Before developing a legible, fluent and fast handwriting style, children first need to develop the foundational skills for successful handwriting.

We offer individual and group sessions focused on developing the following areas:

  • Attention and concentration - The ability to remain focused for a sustained period of time.
  • Balance and postural control - Able to sit alone, using arms to hold a crayon or pencil and not using arms to support the trunk or to stay upright
  • Shoulder stability - Stabilise the shoulder to reach and support the forearm, wrist and hand when holding a pencil.
  • Fine motor skills - Accurately moving and controling the muscles of the hands and fingers.
  • Bilateral coordination - The ability to use both hands together. One to stabilise the paper and the other to lead the writing action.
  • Eye hand coordination - Coordinating the movement of arms, hand and eyes so that they will work together.
  • Letter perception - The ability to recognise forms, notice likeness and differences, infer the movements necessary for the production of a form and to give accurate verbal descriptions of what is seen.
  • Ocular motor control - Controlling the muscle movements in our eyes for smooth tracking during copying or reading tasks.
  • Proprioceptive feedback - The sensory system that unconsciously tells us where our body parts are in space even if we are not visually monitoring them. This is necessary to attain the correct pencil grip as well as to use adequate pressure when writing.
  • Motor planning - Forming a plan in our brain and sending accurate messages to our muscles to perform that plan.

To address the above-mentioned aspects, we offer two specific handwriting programs:

  • Write start program - Teaching methods for developing accurate letter formation, sizing, placement and spacing in print-style writing.
  • Write smart program - Teaching methods to increase the accuracy of letter formation, fluidity of handwriting, speed and legibility in cursive style writing.

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