Our therapists recognise the importance of parent, guardian and care-giver involvement to achieve maximum gains from therapy,

Emphasis is placed on helping parents understand the areas that may boost or hamper their child’s development.

The therapists' specialised training and experience enable them to provide families with strategies, handouts, equipment and other resources to best support the child in achieving their full potential.

After the Occupational Therapy Assessment and before commencing the therapy process, the parents and child will be provided with opportunity to collaborate on setting the goals for therapy.

This goal-setting process ensures that there will be realistic expectations and tangible outcomes on which to measure the success of the therapy intervention.

In addition, each therapy session incorporates a 5-10 minute collaboration between family members and the therapist and opportunity for the therapist to provide recommendations with regards to home practice and repetition.

Our therapists are available for private parent meetings as well as community and school presentations on Occupational Therapy or related topics.

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